We can provide short and long term storage for your firearms at our secure facility.  For whatever reason, whether it be:

  • going overseas,
  • you don't have a weapons storage facility that meets the requirements of the weapons Act,
  • you have been charged by the police for an offence, or
  • you are the victim of a Domestic Violence allegation,
we can store your fireams for as long as you require.  We recommend that if you have legal issues with the police or Weapons Licensing, then call us ASAP and we can get your firearms into secure storage before they are confiscated.  We will maintain your firearms while in storage and care for them like you would care for them yourself.

Firearm Storage Rates

1 - 3 $25 per firearm per month
4 - 6 $23.75 per firearm per month
7 - 9 $22.50 per firearm per month
10+ $21.25 per firearm per month

Collection of Firearms from Police Stations

Police Pickup
(up to 5 firearms)
Police Pickup
(up to 15 firearms)